Tuesday, May 31, 2011

memorial day projects

not only did we party our saturday away (shown here)

but we also managed to finish TWO of the house projects that have been on my list for months.
first, a new headboard for our king size bed. 

and then a new frame for our mirror in our master bedroom.  this also led me to add TWO MORE things to my house list.

darn the luck.  we'll never get done.

Monday, May 23, 2011

too. much. fun.

my weekend in photos

this included a dinner date to a sublime cover band.  the princess diana exhibit with my family. the winery. and a little country bar from home. 

then my camera died.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

pop culture shock

things that take over my life:

all pictures link to the websites - you might find me there too.

Monday, May 16, 2011

kiddo adventures

ronnie and i added two kiddos to our pack this weekend and man, it sure changed everything.
every summer i take my niece and nephew (ages 4 and 6) for a weekend to have a little fun in the sun.  unfortunately this year, the sun was missing. 
so there we are, middle of may with weather in the 40's and 50's. 
it sucked.
no fishing, no royals game, no zoo.
and believe me when i say that ronnie and i do not own kid friendly items. 
sure, if you're down to play kings cup or asshole - we're your guy.  but board games, puzzles, coloring, movies, books, video games - nope, we don't have ANY.
dear lord. 
you can see how i was a bit panicked.
so let's see.
friday we ordered pizza and did a whole lot of nothing.
i could see the boredom set in and it was only the first night.
so saturday, i was determined that they have fun.
we started out by trying outdoor time - just to see if it was really that cold.  we went to the park and took the dogs for a walk. 
it didn't last long. 
 the weatherman was not lying and they did not enough clothes on.
so we went home and had an indoor picnic.  
after, i found this marvelous indoor entertainment center where we could spend the whole afternoon.

score - the kids loved it.  we made cookies, did crafts, painted faces, and even made it outside a bit.

i was seriously dragging them out after four hours and it got us all the way to dinner.
(a picnic on the floor)

ronnie also had the brilliant idea of running out to rent the kids movies that we don't own.   
so megamind and a trip to dairy queen got us through saturday.

sunday was mostly filled with cartoons until their parents picked them up around noon.

so i can safely say ronnie and i made it through - - and so did they.
they might have even had some fun.
one point for aunt brooke.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

low batteries

what happens after you just spent $100 on fresh produce, milk, frozen meat, and lot of food?  your car won't start in walmart parking lot and you are forced to spend the next hour getting the battery replaced.  (add another 50 bones to my walmart receipt).

so yes, that was me sitting in walmart parking lot, with the hood to my old sunfire popped waiting for ronnie to save the day.
and he did.
and our food was still a-okay.

Monday, May 9, 2011

mother's day

we spent this weekend in our hometown hanging out with my family for mother's day.
on friday, friends of ours had tickets to ucm's commencement where president bill clinton was speaking. 

after, we went with them and all had dinner together at player's on the patio.  the weather was amazing.
on saturday ronnie went back home to get stuff done around the house and i stayed to hang out with my mom.  i also found time to run out to my long lost friend mauri's house, who was also in town for mother's day.  we enjoyed the sun and had a few beers outside. 
that night my brother, jaime and miss madeline showed up, along with ronnie to have a big family dinner on the back deck. 
on sunday the "kids" got to business while my mom and dad were at church.  we made a big breakfast for her, got her flowers, a new book from paper*source, and some candies that she loves.
that afternoon we all headed out to my grandma's farm for games and a the best lunch ever.  seriously.

it was quite the weekend - - so good. so good. so good.

Friday, May 6, 2011

fill in the __________

i've had plans for this blank wall for some time, but for some reason it took me awhile to get around to.  (maybe because i was planning on moving out of the house?)

when i got back my extra curtain fabric it inspired me to go ahead and do something. anything. 
so i did.

with crap i recently purchased and a few things i had around the house...

and painted this frame...

wah la - a new wall.  

Thursday, May 5, 2011

hang 'er up!

my curtains are here and i finally got to use the chevron pattern in my house!
check them out:

did my friend do a fabulous job?! 
here are before and after shots...