Friday, October 29, 2010

ladies who lunch

it's friday and i did in fact weigh-in this morning - but there is no change, so enough with that.

what i'm really excited about is a lunch date with my bestest friends.  my clever, lawyer friend deemed it our "ladies who lunch" club and i really look forward to it.  somehow in the last year or two, we have become busy.  too busy.  so now instead of nights of drinking, card games and bars - - we meet for lunch once a month.  i guess this is what happens when we all have husbands, careers and babies (for some).
i keep waiting for my calendar to clear up so i can have my weekends free for wild nights out, but i might have to come to terms that "ladies who lunch" might be it.
either way - i love my friends and no matter what we are doing - - it's always fun.

(ps - miss huff is missing from the photo above)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

if you want something done right - you gotta do it yourself.

dear husbands,
if your wife hints at you (for a month) that she wants to go away for the weekend to do something fun... do not ignore.  especially if this weekend also coincides with a certain wedding anniversary.  if she then decides that she better be more specific and gives you three options on where to go with prices of different places to stay... you should pick one.  if she comes back with a decision she's made by herself on where to go... act excited.  you should not, however, shrug your shoulders, change the subject, or completely ignore her.  when she comes back later after all her tries at reservations have been denied because all of this was last minute... come up with another amazing plan.
she would really appreciate the effort.

yours truly,
every married woman

with three days left - - things are not looking good.

Friday, October 22, 2010

friday weigh-ins

starting weight: 167 lbs
current weight: 147 lbs
goal: 125 - 130 lbs

i picked friday for weigh-ins because it's the day before i normally do horrible on my diet.  i guess i consider the weekend a break from health.  (probably not good).  so i figured, weigh in the day before the drinking, eating out and lack of exercise begins and then i'll have all next week to get rid of what i do in the next two days.  genius? - - maybe. 
i joined title boxing in august and love it.  but i have to find motivation to go.  so far this week, i've only been monday. 
i know on fridays it's easy to talk myself out of it.  but really?!
recently i've been wanting to plan a whole week in warrensburg - - my mom and i would go on the south beach (week one) diet.  i think if i spent 10 days there, we could be each other's motivation - - not to mention it helps to have my mom in charge of all the food - - i might be able to kick off my diet plan and get where i need to be. 
* * *
road block - there is no way i can take a week off work right now - - and probably won't be able to until january.  diet after the holidays?  knowing me and my one on one relationship with anything sweet - that probably makes the most sense, but i want to be skinny now.  hear me whine?

wanna see what i looked like at 167 lbs?  i know you do - - people love fat pics.  before and afters.
it's still me, just puffed up all over.  especially in the face.  you'll also notice my friend in the picture.  it's probably to blame. although, me and beer.  we're still friends.
and here is me now.  much better, i'll admit.  just not quite where i want to end.
so here i go... to lunch. 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

i don't know yet

meet me: ms. brooke michelle turner cox

i've thought about starting a blog before... something witty and fun to read.  i also considered writing about food, working out and my throws with dieting.  then i thought i could try to be as cool as young house love and document all the changes we make as we keep redoing our house.

i think i've decided to be all three.
but who knows, this might end up being something completely different.