its already the 12th
one month of her little life has passed
and its time for an update.
she weighs 8 lbs (according to our home scale)
which i think is right on track.
she's still in newborn diapers
and is still only sporting newborn clothes.
we actually got through every piece of newborn clothing this week
and are now wearing repeats.
she has a ton of cute 0-3 months summer clothes
hanging in her closet just waiting to be worn.
i tried her in one of the smallest outfits yesterday and it was still too big.
wah wah.
i plan on buying cardigans and leg warmers so
she can still sport her wardrobe into the fall.
on july 5th she slept through the night for the first time
and hasn't had a night since where she wakes up.
i don't want to jinx myself, but so far,
she's an awesome sleeper.
this is what works for us:
we have a little nighttime routine that starts around 8:30.
we either have a bath or a washcloth wipe-down.
then we put on a fresh diaper and
rub her down with aveno calming lotion.
next come the jammies.
then i nurse her and she gets her one and only bottle for the day.
by this time she is so tired and its around 10:00.
i hold her for about 10 minutes just to make sure she is passed out
and lay her in her bassinet.
(within the next week we are going to try to transition her into her crib -
cross your fingers that she likes it just as well.)
she sleeps to about 5:00 or 6:00.
i changer her and nurse her and put her back down and she's normally
down again to about 8:00 or 9:00.
its so nice. i'm getting plenty of sleep.
right now she is on the boob diet.
she normally nurses every 3-4 hours
except in the morning and it's every two hours.
i figure she's pretty hungry after her long nights rest.
we had to give her bottle in the first two weeks because of her bilirubin score,
so i still give her a bottle everyday just so she doesn't forget how to take one.
hopefully, this makes it easier when i have someone else watch her,
she will be completely comfortable with a bottle.
we don't exactly "play" yet but
i do sing to her and read her stories.
she is actually awake quite a bit of time.
especially in the evening hours.
she loves being outside or by a window.
i like to put her in her lounger and take her on the deck.
it gives me time to layout, read or get out my laptop.
we also put her in the swing everyday,
sometimes she falls asleep in it and
other times she will just sits there and stare into space.
either way, i think she loves it.
right now, pretty much everything is a first.
besides her first nights sleep
she also had her first bath
her first trip (to warrensburg)
her first jeep ride. (ronnie was dying to take her)
her first pool day. (she didn't get in, but looked good laying out)
her first time without mommy. (my mom and i went to hobby lobby and left her with my dad. i was nervous and we were only gone about an hour. she slept the whole time.)
and was invited to her first birthday party.
so basically, she's doing really well
and we're enjoying watching her grow.
happy one month, baby B!