our house is getting prettier and prettier
and also
harder and harder to deal with.
we take two steps forward and one step back,
so we ARE getting somewhere,
but not as fast as i would like.
the upstairs is completely painted,
as well as the kitchen cabinets.
its so pretty.
i swear, paint makes all the difference.
kitchen cabinets - avocado
brette's room - regale blue
trim paint - westinhouse white
walls - realistic beige
guest bathroom - sea salt
(all sherwin williams colors)
(all sherwin williams colors)
carpet was laid on friday,
but the guy we ordered it through didn't order enough
for both the master bedroom and the guest bedroom.
(one step back)
but he thinks he can have more in by tuesday
and laid by wednesday, so that only sets us back
by a few days.
over the weekend we painted grates,
changed out the electrical outlets and switches to white,
hung most of the doors,
added the shelving back to closets and
hung light fixtures.
those are all small jobs that add up to a lot of time.
we also moved on some furniture.
its nice to see it coming together and i swear,
as soon as the last room is carpeted i will take you
on another video tour so you can see all the improvements for yourself.
in the meantime, i'll be slaving away on the next project:
our master bedroom accent wall.
we wanted to do a cedar wood wall,
but it would be over $300 so now we're looking into cheaper options.
the only things we have left before official move-in is:
1 - lay the wood floors downstairs
2- finish the walls in the kitchen.
(we decided that the kitchen needs to be completely done
because it would be a pain to try to eat or cook in a construction zone.)
we have the wood floors in.
the boxes are laying all over the living room floor.
and i have to say, i was kind of pissed when i saw them.
they are not the color i thought they would be.
i was hoping for a lot more blonde,
but ronnie dug through and found some,
but the majority is not as light as i was hoping for.
oh well.
add it to the list of things not perfect.
the move-in date keeps getting pushed back further and further
but i'm optimistic that we'll be in by the end of january.
dear god, please.
but it would be over $300 so now we're looking into cheaper options.
the only things we have left before official move-in is:
1 - lay the wood floors downstairs
2- finish the walls in the kitchen.
(we decided that the kitchen needs to be completely done
because it would be a pain to try to eat or cook in a construction zone.)
we have the wood floors in.
the boxes are laying all over the living room floor.
and i have to say, i was kind of pissed when i saw them.
they are not the color i thought they would be.
i was hoping for a lot more blonde,
but ronnie dug through and found some,
but the majority is not as light as i was hoping for.
oh well.
add it to the list of things not perfect.
the move-in date keeps getting pushed back further and further
but i'm optimistic that we'll be in by the end of january.
dear god, please.