we've had a busy few weeks.
like, really busy.
applebutter day with the fam.
a trip to springfield with my sorority sisters.
a wedding.
3 birthday parties
a baby shower
AND our ninth wedding anniversary. (look how young!)
its not slowing down either.
every weekend until january,
we're booked solid.
it's all fun thanksgiving and
christmas things so i'm
looking forward to it.
i think ronnie is tired already.
the girls both had pink eye last week,
so i worked from home one day and
my parents came up another.
they've also been busy at school with
their book fair, thanksgiving feast and
brette is in 'happy feet' (soccer) and
'shining stars' (theater).
i signed her up for soccer but i have
no idea how she ended up in theater.
she has a little play coming up where
she will be the cow.
we have a real star on our hands, i'm sure.
we're gearing up for thanksgiving in a few days,
which seems crazy that its already here.
we head out to illinois on wednesday and
will spend the holiday with ronnie's mom.
i'm baking a pecan pie and pumpkin pie cake.
my dad donated homemade rolls to the cause.
i'm excited.
i have my fingers crossed that books, movies and
a long ass nap will make the 7 hour road trip bearable.
hope you and your family have
a wonder thanksgiving too!