we spent most of our weekends in february
FINALLY finishing the master shower.
it took longer than i thought it would,
which is no surprise because ronnie takes longer
than i think doing almost everything.
the glass company came today and put the door on.
i LOVE the look of a frame-less shower door.
it looks so clean.
i have to wait one more day and i can shower in it.
ronnie did some final paint touch-ups and caulking, but
in 24 hours, you better believe, that's where i'll be.
and can i just remind you what this piece of shit used to look like?
i know. i love it too.
we also spent most of february fighting snow and sickness.
the s n o w .
i hate it so much and it won't stop.
i don't think the kids have had school on a wednesday
in four week and i haven't worked a full
week in a month.
we keep getting ice and snow to where i can't drive to work
or the kids don't have school.
thank god my work is understanding, but i feel super bad
to be working from home so much.
and then last weekend a bug hit our house.
brette went down first.
then reid.
and finally ronnie.
he's still fighting it, but the girls are finally feeling better.
i had to take brette in and get antibiotics because she
wasn't getting better.
we did manage to get out and have some fun too.
my grandma's birthday was this month, so we had a
little family luncheon to celebrate.
my parents were watching madeline and eden so
they asked if they could have brette and reid too for
a big sleepover.
they don't even have to ask.
OF COURSE they can take the girls for the night.
ronnie and i went to dinner with some friends (about an hour away) for
some prime rib (although i ordered shrimp and it was amazing).
then we went to a little country bar - which i loved - and
met up with more friends.
it was a fun night.
then this weekend we had tickets to eric church.
i had seen him before and loved him so
i was excited to go.
we both agreed he puts on an amazing concert and
if you're a country music fan - i would recommend him.
and that's basically february.
i'm hoping for a warm front to come through
and heat things up around here.
i think its 3 degrees outside right now.
maybe by the end of march we'll have some
green grass and budding trees.
fingers crossed.