ronnie and i added two kiddos to our pack this weekend and man, it sure changed everything.
every summer i take my niece and nephew (ages 4 and 6) for a weekend to have a little fun in the sun. unfortunately this year, the sun was missing.
so there we are, middle of may with weather in the 40's and 50's.
it sucked.
no fishing, no royals game, no zoo.
and believe me when i say that ronnie and i do not own kid friendly items.
sure, if you're down to play kings cup or asshole - we're your guy. but board games, puzzles, coloring, movies, books, video games - nope, we don't have ANY.
dear lord.
you can see how i was a bit panicked.
so let's see.
friday we ordered pizza and did a whole lot of nothing.
i could see the boredom set in and it was only the first night.
so saturday, i was determined that they have fun.
we started out by trying outdoor time - just to see if it was really that cold. we went to the park and took the dogs for a walk.
it didn't last long.
the weatherman was not lying and they did not enough clothes on.
so we went home and had an indoor picnic.
score - the kids loved it. we made cookies, did crafts, painted faces, and even made it outside a bit.

i was seriously dragging them out after four hours and it got us all the way to dinner.
(a picnic on the floor)

i was seriously dragging them out after four hours and it got us all the way to dinner.
(a picnic on the floor)
ronnie also had the brilliant idea of running out to rent the kids movies that we don't own.
sunday was mostly filled with cartoons until their parents picked them up around noon.
so i can safely say ronnie and i made it through - - and so did they.
they might have even had some fun.
one point for aunt brooke.
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