so the list of "to do's" for my master bedroom is really long.
it's the one room that has been left alone since we moved in.
it got a fresh coat of the cream hallway paint when we moved in, but that's about it.
the bathroom still has the paint from the previous owners.
unfortunately, with all the free time going toward the basement, i don't think any real progress will be made for quite sometime.
i plan to stencil a wall. at first i was thinking wallpaper, but it's expensive and real pain if i ever decide i hate it. i also need another night stand and matching lamp to even things out.
i would love to add a pocket door to the bathroom and put in some open shelves between the sink and the "water closet".
it would be quite the project.
so for now i'll leave you with a little project we DID get done just so the bathroom has a bit of design.
framing the mirror.
we bought mosaic tiles from lowe's and cut them to fit the mirror. glued them to a pieces of plywood ronnie cut into a frame and then grouted it.
a simple, cheap way to get a frame that would otherwise cost a several hundred dollars.
the ones i found online ranged from $200 - $600)