Tuesday, June 28, 2011

lake trip

we had so much fun at the lake this weekend.
my good friend jana invited ronnie and i, along with three other couples, to her lake house.  
of course normally anything that involves me getting in a bikini is dreaded.
i think my bff's and the massive amounts of beer helped me get over my insecurities.

can you blame me for taking monday off?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

the truth is in the pudding.

the truth is what it is.

it's neither good nor bad.

it's simple reality.

 tailor your concepts to fit reality,
instead of trying to stuff reality into your concepts.

no matter what you believe,
it won't change the facts.

 if we all worked on the assumption
that what is accepted as true is really true,
there would be little hope of advancement in the world.

facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

if fifty-million people say a foolish thing, it's still a foolish thing.

successful people are realistic
and aren't trapped by false appearances.

stay realistic on the road to success.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

i've been framed

so the list of "to do's" for my master bedroom is really long.
it's the one room that has been left alone since we moved in. 
it got a fresh coat of the cream hallway paint when we moved in, but that's about it.
the bathroom still has the paint from the previous owners.

unfortunately, with all the free time going toward the basement, i don't think any real progress will be made for quite sometime. 
i plan to stencil a wall. at first i was thinking wallpaper, but it's expensive and real pain if i ever decide i hate it. i also need another night stand and matching lamp to even things out.
i would love to add a pocket door to the bathroom and put in some open shelves between the sink and the "water closet". 
it would be quite the project.
so for now i'll leave you with a little project we DID get done just so the bathroom has a bit of design.
framing the mirror.
we bought mosaic tiles from lowe's and cut them to fit the mirror.  glued them to a pieces of plywood ronnie cut into a frame and then grouted it. 
a simple, cheap way to get a frame that would otherwise cost a several hundred dollars.
(the ones i found online ranged from $200 - $600)



Monday, June 20, 2011

white out

i haven't posted about my basement in sometime but believe me when i say things are going slowly, but surely.  you can get a recap here, here and here.
the trim alone has taken weeks and weeks.  lets just say after two coats of primer and three coats of white, it should finally be done. 

then we had to replace all the doors.  the big closet doors that cost more $$$ - we painted.  but the normal doors to the bedroom, bathroom and workroom we bought new.  only $25 a piece.  not bad at all.
but then ronnie had to cut out a hole for the door handle, lock and whittle down a place for the hinges.  after he's done, then it's my turn.  they each need two coats of white paint - per side.  the dry time alone really holds up this process.  i plan to have these all hung by weeks end.

then we're letting it all dry for a couple of weeks before we go all sorts of gray-crazy on the walls. 
whoop. whoop.  

finished pictures to come.  

Friday, June 17, 2011

current obsession

i just set up a profile and i can't stop making lists.
places i want to go
things i want to do to my house
houses i want to build
clothes that should be in my wardrobe.

its like a virtual life board. 
come find me!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

headboard: play by play

i mentioned the headboard project we did here.
but here is the low down on how it got created.

(a piece of foam from our old full size bed.)

(a piece of ply wood cut for free at home depot)

(staple said foam to said plywood)

(when doing the top and edges, wrap the foam around the back.)

(repeat foam process with batting,)

(iron fabric material if needed.)

(cover headboard with fabric and staple to the back- pull tight.)

(measure and center over the bed.)

(add clips to the head board and wall to hang by.)

in the end we went from this:

to this:

ps- although you will only see ronnie in these pictures, i definitely helped.
he just didn't help snap the photos.

oh snap.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

summer goals

who has goals in the summer?  it's the time to relax, right?
i totally agree. 
and that is why my goal is to lay out for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week.
this self-proclaimed pale person is ready to get her tan on.
i've decided to steer clear of my normal summer routine.
the tanning bed. (dun dun dun)
and go straight for natural resources.

plus, i can get my read on and relax.
i think i like this goal.

unless i end up like this:

wrinkled suntan lady beach