Monday, January 27, 2014

our weekend

it's 9:30am and brette is still asleep.
she's probably trying to score some points with me
after the rough weekend we had.

it started out great.
my parent's watched her friday night
so ronnie and i could go out to dinner and have a few drinks
with the turnbow's in warrensburg.
i hadn't been out at night since my 30th birthday in september
and i hadn't been without brette since i went to lunch for kassie's
birthday in november. 
it was time for a break.
(ps- i really want to start doing this more and more.)
me and b need to get comfortable being apart.
its good for both of us.
especially if i start working.
it will probably be a really hard transition unless
i ease into it.
mammas - how did you make the transition from being
together all the time to being apart?
friday actually worked out really well because we weren't meeting
for dinner until 7:00 so i could put b to bed before we ever left.
makes life easier.
except she woke up 2 minutes after we walked out the door and
my mom spent the next 30 minutes walking her around and
rocking her back to sleep.
this is why i feel like sometimes, its just easier
if i stay home.

but saturday morning b woke up fussy
and was super constipated.
she was also running a fever on and off all day.
we finally gave her a suppository
and we've been feeding her prunes.
not sure what caused this
but i can tell its painful
and really uncomfortable for my poor baby.
it also means i'm holding her and walking her
around a lot.
yesterday i finally just wrapped her on me
and went outside to rake the yard.
i think she's feeling better.
i'll be able to tell more when she finally wakes up.
but right now,
i'm enjoying a relaxing morning
and hoping all this sleep is just what she needed.
and tips for constipation in an infant?

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