Tuesday, July 8, 2014


i know when its summer
just from all the social events that get piled up.
royals game?

it was ladies night and the girls from the old bank met up.
notice we are at the bar in the outfield? 
that's where we spent 95% of the game.
the other 5% was in the parking lot.
wedding in st. louis?

my roommate from college, suzy,
got married and all our sorority sisters gathered for the event.
ronnie stayed at home with brette so i spent
some quality time with my margie.
fourth of july with the fam?


i think we had the best weather in the history of the world on the 4th
  like seriously, perfect.
we went to marceline,
where my aunt lives.
we spent the whole day outside,
except for when we were refilling our plates.
lots of food.
brette fell asleep around 8 so
we headed home and missed the fireworks
but saw tons on the highway.
i can't wait for her to
really experience this holiday.

ronnie's big 35th birthday?
my mom made ronnie a blue goose pie.
(blueberries and gooseberries)
what did i do for him?
served up leftovers
with a promise to make it up to him.
 i swear, i'm a good wife.
lake weekend planned.
and so on. and so on. and so on.
so forgive me that i'm mashing all
these events together,
i'll try to be better.
hope you're reading this from
the pool
or on vacation
or sitting on the back deck counting fireflies
or eating a popsicle.
somewhere you appreciate that
it. is. summer.

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