Thursday, February 26, 2015

spreading the news

i get really excited to tell people i'm pregnant.
like really.
but like always, i wait until i've met with my doctor and
everything has been confirmed as healthy.
since i found out later than normal that i was expecting
and i couldn't get into the doctor for a couple weeks
people found out kind of late.
even when i went to my first appointment i didn't get to meet with my doctor,
but just a nurse that showed me a video on the do's and don'ts of pregnancy.
but my blood work did show i was pregnant and since i was already
out of my first trimester,
we told immediate family.
(parents, ronnie's sister, my brother)
i had a shirt i ordered off esty for brette to wear.
a little game, so it's not so obvious,
but fun for me to watch people figure it out.
this is the only pic i got that wasn't blurry,
because she's always on the move.
(her shirt didn't have the last two lines shown in the sample.
it just said "im going to be a big sister")
my parents were shocked and super happy.
it took brian and jaime a minute to read it
because brette was running around,
which is fun.

but then i had to wait even longer to tell others. 
i finally saw my doctor at 15 weeks.
heard the heartbeat and had her confirm
that things were as they should be.
since it was already february,
i decided i would send out valentine's.
i wanted to get brette in a picture,
but once again, trying to get one that's not blurry is a challenge.
so i found this on paperless post and sent these out
to all our family and friends for valentine's day.
there was NO WAY for people to misunderstand
or for it to go wrong,
so i'm excited that everyone knows now,
but sometimes it still doesn't feel real.
i guess i'm in the "easy second trimester" stage
where you don't really feel or look pregnant yet.
i'm sure i will long for these days this spring.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

island destination

we bought a freaking island.
i've been wanting one since we tore down
the wall in the kitchen.
we considered having one made, but all the
estimates came back at $1400.
we have a lot more important updates that
 i'd rather spend money on, so i crossed it
off my list for now.
then, my friend sent me a few awesome ideas
on how to build one ourselves.
honestly, that's probably the smartest way to go,
but ain't nobody got time for that.
and then i searched online for one to buy,
but they were either chinsey or way too expensive.
dang the luck.

until... (sound the trumpets)
we stopped in sutherlands.
have you ever been there?
it's amazing.
waaaay better than lowe's.
a friend of ours suggested it over thanksgiving
and i kind of forgot about it.
but he mentioned it again when he stopped by our house,
so when i saw one off the side of the highway
with nothing else to do, we decided to take a look.
ronnie was impressed with their beer prices,
but i loved all the furniture.
plus they had cow hides.
we're totally going back for one of those.
but when i saw this beauty,
i thought it was perfect for our space,
thankfully, ronnie agreed.
and the best part?
it was only $700 (including the two chairs).
HALF the price.

see the star?
i hate it.
ronnie is cutting it off.
but besides that,
its perfect.
now ronnie just needs to case that door frame
and hang the pendants over the bar.
badabababa - i'm lovin' it

Monday, February 23, 2015

eighteen weeks

i'm  eighteen weeks.

weight?  i've gained 3 lbs. not a huge deal, but i can tell my body it already changing. i don't think if i was walking down the street someone would guess i'm pregnant, but i feel fat.

cravings?  cereal, which is a reminder of my pregnancy with brette.  and not healthy adult cereal, but crap like fruit loops.  don't judge.  

side effects? there are plenty.
1. the first trimester was not good.  worse than with brette.  i was puking a lot. with brette i definitely felt sick but i never threw up.  this time, there was puking.  ronnie got so used to it, that one morning i was throwing up and he came in to ask me which socks he should wear.  what. the. hell.  how about a little sympathy.  but around 13 weeks, the nausea wore off and i feel just fine now.
2. i pee somewhere between 2:30 and 4:00 every night.
3. my boobs are bigger.  like i popped a button off my shirt the other day.
4. i'm tired.  it was worse during the first trimester.  i took A LOT of naps. it didn't help that i was fighting the flu and a cold. but even now, there is a chance that i might be in bed by 8:30.

baby?  baby is the size of an onion and is around 5 inches. he/she can also blink and swallow now, which sounds good to me.  i felt some kicking for the first time last week too.  i got annoyed with that with brette, which i'm sure i'll hate it after awhile too, but its a nice little reminder that someone is in there growing.

preparations? we haven't done really anything yet.  discussed names here and there.  we've told our family and friends. (more on that later) but the nursery is empty and we haven't even started stockpiling diapers.

the best thing? besides feeling some kicking, the thing i'm looking forward to most is my doctor appointment on march 4th.  we have on sonogram then and will find out if we're having a boy or a girl. i literally cannot wait.  any guesses?  i'm feeling boy, but who knows.

the worst thing?  my clothes have started to get tight.  i'm not in maternity wear yet, but i rock a lot of dresses and leggings.  things that don't require me to button up around my waist. ugh, i'm not looking forward to months and months of a limited wardrobe.

so there it is. 
me at eighteen weeks.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

heading out of town

president's day was monday so
the bank was closed and i actually had a long weekend.
ronnie's been wanting to visit his family in illinois so
we decided to head out friday night after i got off work.
we hit the road later than expected (7:30) which meant brette was asleep
within the first 30 minutes, but it also meant we didn't get to his
mom's until 2:00 in the morning.
and just to be clear, ronnie doesn't do well driving at night
so i got the 11:00 to 2:00 shift.
fun times.
especially since when we stopped at a gas station for snacks
ronnie brought back mustard pretzels.
the grossest thing i can think of to eat.
so we had rain playing as background noise,
ronnie and brette asleep
and only mustard pretzels and water to keep me going.
it was a long night,
but it was a nice trip.
always relaxing.
ronnie sits around most mornings talking to his mom and grandma
while they drink at least two pots of coffee.
its nice to see ronnie actually sit around.
something i could do professionally.
and even though our valentine's day wasn't romantic,
its nice to get away.
in fact, ronnie and i didn't even spend the evening together.
he went out with his cousins, while i went to bed at 9:00.
but i am still waiting on my reese's hearts.
those things are tradition and i don't care where we are,
he better buy me some.
we didn't get to see all of his extended family this time,
but we did have a little family dinner sunday night
with a few of his cousins and their kids.
brette loved watching everyone run around.
and she found a new love for bologna.
who knew?
and the next day we headed out.
another long drive home
(in the snow)
but i'm happy we made the effort to go back.
sometimes a boy just needs his mom.

 (you can see for miles)
 (honey, brette's new best friend)
 (the barn at his mom's house)
 (relaxing and playing with B)

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

it's true - here comes baby #2

i made it facebook official without one word on my blog first.
doesn't seem quite right.
but it's true.
the news is out.
baby number two is heading our way.
due july22nd.
brette and this kiddo will be two years apart.
i was super shocked and excited when i found
out in early december.
after september, my doctor said to wait a few months before
trying again, so ronnie and i had decided to wait until after christmas.
then i didn't get my period in november.
i didn't think much of it because
my doctor said that things could be a little off
and it might take a few months to regulate.
but when i didn't get my period in december either,
i started to wonder.
ronnie was over working on our house one friday,
so on my lunch break i headed that way with a pregnancy test in hand.
and yep, a few minutes later it was confirmed.
i was excited, a little nervous and already
further along than expected.
holy cow.
its seriously a good thing i was so diligent
with birth control all those years,
because apparently getting pregnant is a non-issue.
now we wait.
this is me last week at 16 1/2 weeks.
i'll be 18 weeks on saturday.
and look at miss b in the background.
adorable as always.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

another week

there are a lot of good things about living outside city limits,
but trying to find cable and internet is not one of them.
i tried calling 3 cable companies and none of them 
"service my area."
so we decided to get satellite and had DISH come out to set us up.
the guy told us we have too many trees and he has no place to put one
unless he puts a pole in our front yard and even then, 
he thinks once all the leaves come in the reception might be bad.
scratch that.
we FINALLY found a cable company that goes to our neighborhood.
they are kind of expensive,
but right now,
i'm just ready to have internet and tv again.

this week:
ronnie made it home from vegas,
tired but in one peice.
we had a game night with friends on friday
and it was nice to do something social instead of work on the house.
the house is coming along.
curtains are hung and a few decorative items have been set out.
our dishwasher was delivered,
so we now have a dishwasher for sale along with a refrigerator.
someone, come buy them both.
brette recovered from her fever,
just to get pink eye from her cousins.
so that's been fun.

i'm ready to lay down and 
watch some tv.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

this week in a nutshell

ronnie's in vegas for a bachelor party.
brette's running a fever and has a cold.
i got a call to go in for an interview on a job i didn't even apply for.
i locked myself out of the house and had to call the fire department.
and it's only wednesday.
not sure how long it will be before i get the internet.
apparently, no cable company
offers their services out of city limits,
so i'm working on other options.
in the mean time,
i've been running to the library for more books
and few minutes online.
hopefully i'll be plugged back into the world soon.