Wednesday, February 25, 2015

island destination

we bought a freaking island.
i've been wanting one since we tore down
the wall in the kitchen.
we considered having one made, but all the
estimates came back at $1400.
we have a lot more important updates that
 i'd rather spend money on, so i crossed it
off my list for now.
then, my friend sent me a few awesome ideas
on how to build one ourselves.
honestly, that's probably the smartest way to go,
but ain't nobody got time for that.
and then i searched online for one to buy,
but they were either chinsey or way too expensive.
dang the luck.

until... (sound the trumpets)
we stopped in sutherlands.
have you ever been there?
it's amazing.
waaaay better than lowe's.
a friend of ours suggested it over thanksgiving
and i kind of forgot about it.
but he mentioned it again when he stopped by our house,
so when i saw one off the side of the highway
with nothing else to do, we decided to take a look.
ronnie was impressed with their beer prices,
but i loved all the furniture.
plus they had cow hides.
we're totally going back for one of those.
but when i saw this beauty,
i thought it was perfect for our space,
thankfully, ronnie agreed.
and the best part?
it was only $700 (including the two chairs).
HALF the price.

see the star?
i hate it.
ronnie is cutting it off.
but besides that,
its perfect.
now ronnie just needs to case that door frame
and hang the pendants over the bar.
badabababa - i'm lovin' it

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