Wednesday, March 25, 2015


we've had a little schedule change in the
last month that's effected ronnie and brette's day together.
for almost a year ronnie has been working 4 - 10 hour days
and he spent his fridays off with b while i work.
recently, his schedule changed back to a regular 5 day work week.
i was sad to lose his free day.
it gave him a chance to have some one on one time with brette
and he always had a three day weekend to get stuff done.
i wasn't willing to have my mom watch her two days a week.
her and my dad always have her on mondays,
then my mom watches brian's girls on tuesdays,
so it felt like she would have no life outside her granddaughters
if i had her come up on fridays too
and i didn't think that was fair.
so i did the unthinkable.
i put brette in an at-home daycare one day a week.
you guys,
i know she's going on two,
but it was still hard for me.
i don't like it.
the first day we took her was only a half day,
and the next week she spent a full nine hours there.
when ronnie picked her up he said she was in the best mood ever.
he thinks she needed a little bit of a social life.
say what?
i am super fun, so don't know what he's talking about.
but that did make me feel better about leaving her there.
plus our lady that watches her sends me pics,
which of course totally helps.
brette talks about her little friend there
and their dog, so
i know she likes it,
but it feels weird to leave her with someone i don't really know.
i guess this is just something i'm going to have to get used to
and honestly, its probably good for both of us.
can you imagine me working full-time?
i'd be a mess.
here's a few pics i've gotten while she's there


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