Wednesday, April 8, 2015


we had a nice easter with family,
but i'm super pissed at myself because i didn't get one pic
of brette in her dress.
she was adorable and sported a little white bonnet.
i promise to put her back in it
and recreate the moment.
and we made it back to bass pro
for round two with the easter bunny.
this time the bunny didn't run off sick
and we were able to get brette a picture.
she was in heaven.
you can't tell by this photo but
she loved the bunny.
talked about it for days.
bunny?  lap? 
sorry B, you only get one turn.
and look at her last year.
same adorable baby.
and a comparison...
easter makes it officially spring and
we've had some beautiful flowers bloom
over the last few weeks.
its fun to see what's been planted around here
since this is our first spring at the house.
now i'm just waiting around for all the trees to blossom.
we have big plans for the outdoors at our new home,
but of course,
that comes last.
i'm hoping we might get around to it next year.
we need to cut down some stuff,
plant more grass,
get rid of a few flower beds,
plant a few bushes
repaint the house and the shed.
all that fun stuff.


hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend
and are back to doing all the things you gave up for lent.
too bad my "lent" lasts until the end of july.
wah wah.

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