Thursday, May 14, 2015

update: 30 weeks

i'm thirty weeks.

weight? at my doctor's appointment i have gained 14 lbs, which my doctor said is actually a few pounds less than expected.  sweet.  she said on average most women have gained 17-18 lbs by now.  that made me feel better since my scale is broken and i had no clue if i'd super chunked out or not. with an average of 1 lb per week from here on out, i should hopefully only gain about 25lbs by the time this baby comes.  that's 5lbs less than what i gained with brette AND i was 10 lbs when i got pregnant this time, so, fingers crossed, this leaves me with 15 lbs less to lose.  wahoo!  

cravings?  sweets. i want dessert followed up with dessert, covered in chocolate. its a wonder i haven't gained 80 lbs. and thank god, i passed the gestational diabetes test so i'm not stuck eating salads and celery.  

side effects? still no back pain.  wahoo!  i can't get over it.  but i do feel like this baby is much more active. or maybe i don't remember this amount of movement.  this girl is constantly flipping and punching - especially at night. as soon as i go to bed, she's up and she's doing summersaults.  its not fun. and i'm a little tired of sleeping on my side, i miss laying on my back.

baby? the baby is about 16 inches - - about the size of a cabbage. and "they" say that she should be going on a major growth spurt and running out of room, so i should feel less movement. i can't wait for that. she's also practicing her breathing which leads to hiccups, but so far i've only noticed hiccups twice.

preparations? crib is here, bassinet is here, mattress is here, and all the prints are ordered for her walls. my mom has taken on painting our changing table for me and i ordered some gold decals for it. i'll post nursery pictures soon. i started on my registry because my fab friends are throwing me a sprinkle in late june. i think everything is in order.  i still need to add to my stockpile of diapers and i need to find a weekend in june or july to make a bunch of freezer meals. exciting times!

the best thing? i'm getting to the point where i don't really have a "best" part. i'm over being pregnant and i still have a long way to go. it is exciting to put together her nursery. i do like that part, but truly, i am excited for july to get here.

the worst thing?  just the fact that i have TEN whole weeks left.  but hopefully, with the change of weather and lots of fun stuff on the calendar it goes fast.


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