i knew it was coming,
but for some reason i didn't put two and two together.
reid is NINE months old.
that means its time for me to start weaning.
i go back and forth.
i'm totally ready to never nurse again,
but i'm not quite ready to let go of my little baby.
if you remember with brette,
i started weaning at seven months and
was completely done by the time she was eleven months.
i had a deadline for kassie's wedding in mexico
and so i stuck to my schedule like a nazi.
it was easy.
it went smooth.
brette never bucked the system.
so i'm taking the same approach again.
we're going to move at a snails pace and
slowly ease her out of it.
i'm going to start this weekend - may 1st and
i want to be completely done by july 15th.
that gives me eleven weeks.
and it will also give me an extra week to start
mixing breast milk with whole milk and get
her completely switched over by her birthday.
my goal:
3 sippy cups of whole milk per day.
no bottle, no boob by july 22nd.
lets. do. this.
so in true type A fashion,
let's go over my schedule and
plan of attack.
right now reid nurses 6 times a day:
5:00 am
10:00am (morning nap)
2:00pm(afternoon nap)
my goal is to take one feeding away every two weeks.
it's also my goal to get her down to 3 milk feedings a day instead of 6.
at first, when i cut a feeding i won't replace it with a bottle.
i'm going to offer more people food and snacks instead.
i think i'll start with the 7am one.
my plan is to offer her breakfast right away.
next, i'll most likely take away the 5pm one because
she eats dinner at 6 and i can offer her a snack
when she wakes up from her afternoon nap.
after that, it gets a little harder.
i nurse reid to sleep, so she will have to transition to a bottle or
i'm contemplating giving her a bottle while she's still downstairs
in more of a social setting and then laying her down so
she outgrows needing a bottle before bed.
that's a month away, so i'll worry more about that then,
but i know i have an uphill battle waiting for me in june.
i also have to get ronnie on board.
weaning, for us, means dad gets to take over a lot of the baby work.
i'll probably start getting brette more and more while
ronnie takes over reid.
i think it's easy on everyone when transitioning off the boob,
to take me out of the equation.
just for a bit.
until she's used to her new normal.
i really hope this is as easy as i remember.
for some reason i'm nervous.
okay, wish us luck!