this weekend was really nice.
after work on friday i headed downtown
to help work the bbq tent at our town's festival.
i served up drinks for awhile before i made it home in time
to help ronnie put my babies to bed.
a few girls from work followed me home and
we played circle of death until 1am.
throw back to 2004, for sure.
i was super tired - - a clear sign i can't hang anymore.
i was super tired - - a clear sign i can't hang anymore.
saturday, ronnie and i took the girls out to eat and
downtown so they could walk the festival.
they have a "kids street" full of games, face painting and
animals, but all i really wanted was an updated one of these:
caricatures are my fave.
but he messed up my mouth, right?
the eyes and nose are on point, but that mouth.
i think he nailed ronnie, reid and brette.
it's getting framed for sure.
in other news,
we lost a tree in our backyard and i'm super bummed.
it was a bad combination of too much rain and
the tree being rooted in the creek.
it just toppled right over.
we actually have some dead trees we need to remove and
few that i just don't like the placement of, but this one?
i loved this one and i'm sad to see it go.
we've also been going on daily walks through the
neighborhood and most days,
it looks a lot like this:
however, sunday brette tuckered out early and
decided to hop in and ride the rest of the way back.
i was thinking, oh geez, it must be nap time.
but no, she fooled around and never slept.
it. kills. me.
i put her bed by 7:30 though, so that helped.
she's started falling asleep in the hallway every night.
we drag in back in her bed when we turn the lights off,
but the combination of a hallway sleeping, early rising and no nap,
well, its enough to kill a mom.
and my last update for the weekend,
my toe.
ever since last sunday i've had pain in my big toe.
ended up getting infected and i had to go to
the doctor to get some antibiotics.
it got pretty bad, so i made sure
and sent ronnie toe pictures throughout the day
so he felt involved.
i know, it was sweet of me to think of him.
kassie tells me this is what i get for going to the lake
and swimming in poop water.
dang the luck.
antibiotics seem to be working and things are on the mend.
sorry, for the foot pic. i hate feet.
but i had to share my pus bubble.
(insert vomit noises)
hope your weekend went as slow as mine.
it felt really long,
which was a nice change.
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