Monday, October 24, 2016

back at home

last i left off we were shacked up with
my parents while ronnie worked on our septic system.
(the girls at mimi and papa's)

with the help of some super amazing friends, jason and cale,
they finished working on the whole thing on wednesday
and i was back in my bed by wednesday night.
who knew ronnie could actually get something
completed in one day.
(now if only i could hire jason and cale to finish my walls...) 
i actually had a really nice time spending a few days in warrensburg.
shannon and i had a play date everyday so
paige and reid could become besties.
i also saw the dentist while i was there, which is so nice
to leave the girls with my parents and not drag them along.
i'm telling you, live-in help is the way to go.
not to mention, mealtime.
we eat better and i don't have to do it,
my favorite combination.
there were a few drawbacks.
1- leia was sprayed by a skunk in my parent's backyard.
although i find this ironic considering my yard is
much more "wild" but leia managed this in warrensburg.
she REEKED and we had to bath her in a weird combo
of things to get the stench out.
my mom almost puked, so that's fun.
2 - i was pulled over and got a ticket for speeding.
i really hadn't realized this until now, but there are not many places in
lee's summit that are only 25 mph.
not the case in warrensburg.
so when the officer told me i was going 39 in a 25,
i thought, no freaking way.
but 10 minutes after i get pulled over, i look down and
sure as shit, i'm going 37 in a 25.
whoops.  looks like i'm just used to "city driving."
3 - brette sucked at life while trying to sleep in
my parent's guest room.
one night i was literally in there until 10:30 and
finally gave up and just spent the night with her.
this is getting out of control.
but since we've been home, she's been going to bed alone,
thank god.
however, when i say bed, i mean hallway, so there's still that.
but it's nice to be home.
i'm not loving the excavator and bobcat still sitting in my backyard,
or the gravel and half cut up tree.
actually, things look a damn mess.
but you know, i try not to complain too much.
i'm sure one day (who knows when) our yard will look nice again for once.

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