Thursday, December 8, 2016


for being christmas time, we've actually
had a pretty chill week.
i'm surprisingly prepared for the holidays.
my house is decorated.
my tree is up.
and every. single. one. of my presents is bought.
well, i don't have the girls' stocking stuffers done,
but that's so easy.
i ended up going black friday shopping by myself.

i had a few hours before i needed to be into work.
brette was in school and ronnie had reid.
it was incredible.
i got a lot bought and it was nice to have some
"alone" time to do it.
plus, i didn't feel like the crowds were bad, but
i've always been a fan of black friday shopping.
nothing is wrapped.
 in fact, everything is sitting in my bathtub 
because the girls rarely go in there.

so i still have that, but
there's no point in getting it done super early
because i would never put them under the tree.
reid would have them destroyed in 5 minutes.
she spends a lot of her time taking down the
ornaments and the poinsettias i have in my garland.
i pretty much redecorate several times a day.

i plan on making cookies with the girls the week 
before christmas so we can have special treats to leave for santa.
we also need to take the girls to see the magic tree and
maybe swing through christmas at the park to see all
the lights if the line to get in isn't too outrageous.
we have christmas with my family scheduled, cookie day and
christmas with ronnie's family on the calendar too.
it's the 8th of december and i am ready.
i can't believe it. 
i feel like i'm forgetting something really important.
am i?

here are a few pics of the girls from the past week.
brette being sweet and then...
brette being brette.

and reid, bundled up 
ready to run errands with me.
we're never getting rid of that pacifier.

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