Monday, April 3, 2017

2017: week thirteen

sorry i didn't get to write anything last week.
i was busy reading.
i got started on a series and the third book came out.
i re-read the first two and just finished the third one today.
it ended horribly and i was super pissed because i 
thought this was the last one and i couldn't
believe how bad it ended and then come to find out,
there's going to be a fourth book, but not released until
i hate waiting.
so yeah, that's where all my free time went.
if you're interested in the series, the first book is Red Queen.
it king of reminds me of the Hunger Games, so
if you liked that kind of story line, then you might
like these as well.

but enough about books.

my mother-in-law and my grandmother-n-law came to visit.
they were only here three days, so 
we tried to spend as much time with them as we could.
we all met and had family dinner at ronnie's sister house.
the next day we met to take the kids swimming at
the hotel they were staying at, and then we spent all
of sunday together. 
i made a big brunch and then ordered pizza later on.
(there's no way i was cooking two meals in a row.)
but it was nice to see everyone and have some family time.

not much else happened.
i made a few meals.
we baked some muffins.
brette got back her spring school photos.
we watched the final four and both my teams lost.
we celebrated my friend, jana's baby girl's first birthday.
we picked up the camper and brought it back to the house.
ronnie put the last coat on the walls and it's almost ready to paint.
and reid now has an obsession with her tricycle.

but mostly, i spent my time reading.

happy april.
hopefully it stops raining soon.
i'm so over the gray clouds and wet grass.

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