Friday, October 20, 2017

school pics

so my girls took super super cute
school photos this year.
i was in arizona for a conference so i 
trusted others to get them ready.
(yes, i killed me)

but i just love them.

Monday, October 16, 2017

(a look back)

so yester was pregnancy and infancy loss awareness day.
i went back and read some of my blog posts that i wrote
before i had announced my 2nd pregnancy - - and then,
once we lost the baby, i never posted them.
this was my first post after finding out
we were pregnant in july.

aug 6 2014

i'm pregnant! (happy)
again. (ahhh)
its my worst nighmare and
my dream come true.
i truly truly hate being pregnant.
but like every mom in the world says,
its worth it.
ronnie and i decided that we were going to
for sure have a second kiddo pretty soon
after brette was here.
i'd say we made the decision when she turned 6 months last december.
nothing like christmas to make you want more kids, i guess.  
and i knew that i wanted brette's brother or sister
to be close in age.
brian and i are only 19 months apart
and that's what i wanted for her too.
we waited a few months and then "tried" in april with no luck.
(i was secretly thankful so i could have
the vacation of my life in mexico without
turning down all the free booze.)
we skipped may and june because i didn't want a kid
in february or march.  (too many family birthdays already)
and started trying again in july for an april birthdate.
and yep, got pregnant again within the first week.
apparently, i should be thanking my lucky stars
that ronnie and i were so careful the first five years
we were married or we could have easily had kiddos
way before we were ready.
i've known for a couple weeks,
but i had my doctor's appointment yesterday to confirm.
and guess what:
my due date is march 28th. 
i guess your first two weeks pregnant are before you even conceive.
i didn't realize that with brette, but yeah.
they go off the date you started your last period.
which puts me at the end of march.
i swear, i can't plan a due date for the life of me.
oh well.
late march sounds like a perfect time to welcome another
little wonder into this family.
tomorrow i'll be seven weeks.
only 33 to go.
is it over yet?

it's weird to read how nonchalant i was.
i went another 5 weeks before i lost the baby.
crazy enough, reid was conceived not even a month after that.
i'm very lucky.
not even a year later, i was holding another baby girl.
and even though i'm at home right now with two sick kids,
i couldn't be more grateful.

prayers for all the mammas still waiting on their babies.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

so september is over?

i am slowly but surely blogging less and less.
i think it's just because i spend my days on a computer now,
so i don't come home at night and get it back out again.
but i know i miss snippets of our lives and the 
whole point is to give my girls something to look back on when
they're older since my baby books are both seriously lacking. 

so here's a little recap.

i turned 34. ew.
ronnie had to work later (of course) but
my parents happen to be in town so the girls
and i went out to dinner with them at red lobster.
i discovered that both my kids  l o v e  seafood.
ronnie is officially outnumbered, yesssss.
i see salmon and shrimp and tilapia in our future.
i did get some pretty cool presents,
(probably bc ronnie felt bad he worked late)
since we normally don't do gifts, but it was all stuff i've been 
wanting, but didn't want to spend our money on.

i've been trying to take the kids to an apple orchard for weeks.
it's either been raining or we've been busy.
i THINK we're going to go this weekend as long as 
the rain holds off.
fingers crossed. 
brette has a field trip planned at school to go to the 
pumpkin patch next week, so I took off work for it.
i'm going to grab reid out of her class so we can all go.
i'm excited to get these fall festivities started.
speaking of which, i wore sweat pants and made chili last night.
that's has to make things official.

we took family photos last weekend.
i wanted to wait until later october for the leaves to change, but
our photographer is due in october so was only scheduling 
pictures through the end of September.
big mistake.
it was 90 degrees outside and i made
everyone wear long sleeves.
i wanted FALL pictures for the Christmas card,
instead i got sweaty faces and children not willing to cooperate.
by three surely reid will be able to function like a human 
for family pictures, right?
next year will be better?
there's something about them that makes her lose her mind.
we did get a few cute ones, but i don't LOVE any of all 4 of us.
eh well. 
we tried.

oh another little update?
reid has started biting.
shoot. me. now.
she has bit the same little boy in her class twice.
she doesn't leave a mark - thank god - but i'm sure
this poor little boy's mom wants to hulk out on the 
evil little redhead abusing her son and i totally don't blame her.
then she bit brette on saturday.
that went over well. 
brette now bosses reid around everyday about being nice and
reid says "you be nice" and then brette responds until they are
both screaming and fighting with each other to BE NICE.
its awesome.
please, don't swarm with all my parenting awards at once. 
i've been reading articles online for suggestions and i bought
a board book that reid and i can read together.
her teacher isn't really concerned and says reid is just frustrated that
she doesn't have all her words yet, but i still hate life.  
let me know if you've dealt with this and what worked for you.
(unless your suggestion is for me to bite her back. i just can't, ya'll.)

here's our new book.

so there's my little update.
hopefully i'll be back here again soon 
with the girls' school pics!