Wednesday, April 4, 2018

moving easter weekend

we are all moved out and the papers have been signed.
last friday ronnie and jason spent the day trying 
to finish up our house.
i met up with them after work and we got a ton done.
it was so nice because that left me both saturday and 
sunday to focus on the girls and really enjoy easter. 
i think ronnie got a little overwhelmed on saturday...
maybe it was all hitting him or something? but he had
to take a mental health day and get some alone time.
it's so funny how we all handle big changes differently. 
but he was in top shape again for easter so i'm glad he
recognizes when he needs to step away. 
easter was a lot of fun.
i dyed eggs with the girls - which ps- reid was too young.
do NOT try dying eggs with a two year old. 
she was a holy mess by the end and i was afraid i permanently
stained my mother's counter tops. (luckily it came out)
but reid was so mad that i made her stop playing in the dye 
that she cracked all her eggs. 
p e r f e c t. 
brian and his girls spent the night so we all went to church together.
all the girls looked so cute in their sunday best and
they did a great job during church of sitting nicely together. 
my whole family came over for easter dinner, both lamb and ham were made. 
my contribution was pie and i made my first lemon meringue.
it was actually more complicated than i thought it was going to be, 
and i'm glad it tried it while at my parent's so they could guide me. 
unfortunately for easter, the weather did not cooperate. 
we had both snow and thunder for easter.  crazy stuff in april. 
no outdoor easter egg hunts or pretty spring dresses.
we were bundled up in tights and sweaters and made do
with an indoor egg hunt. 

i already looked up easter 2019 and it's in late april.
fingers crossed for a sunny day. 
then it was back to work on monday and tuesday night,
we met at the realty office and signed the paperwork 
officially handing over our lee's summit house. 
it was definitely bittersweet and i made ronnie stop there after
to take one last picture (photo taken by brette). 

so here we are, a couple days away from taking ownership 
of our home in warrensburg and gearing up for a big renovation.
please send good vibes, lots of prayers and nice weather our way.
i'd really really really like this to go smoothly.
i'll keep you updated on our progress. 
in the meantime, i'm chilling here, in my parent's basement,
living the dream. 

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