Tuesday, March 11, 2014

daylight savings

we have decided to work with daylight savings
instead of trying to fight it.
we aren't going to bump brette's schedule by an hour 
just because the time changed.
so now we start bedtime at 8:00 (which still feels like 7:00 to brette).
i like it because i don't have to try to retrain brette on when its bedtime.
this also means she's sleeping until about 7:00am and
then goes right back down until 8:30-9:00.
hello relaxing mornings!
now, ronnie and i have more freedom of an evening.
we have about an hour or more after dinner
before worrying about bedtime.
we can run errands, go for a dog walk, sit out on the deck or
go out to dinner at a more reasonable time.
especially in the summer when the sun is out longer
and the weather is nice.
speaking of the sun out longer...
over the weekend we bought a room darkening shade
for brette's window since she might eventually be going to bed
when the sun is still up.
those things are amazing and
i'm pretty sure its helping with longer naps too.  
so far keeping our old schedule has been working perfect for us
and brette still feels like she's going to bed at the same time as always.


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