Tuesday, March 25, 2014


this post is sponsored by target.
no, not really.
but it should be.

i don't go shopping very often.
there's really no point.
i don't need new clothes for staying at home
and brette doesn't need a lot because
of all the clothes she gets from madeline.
groceries can be found cheaper at wal-mart and
since i'm not working,
i try my hardest to save money where i can.
i have been actively avoiding target.
there are too many cute things
and it makes it hard not to load up the cart.
but i went last week in search of an easter dress...
and something took over me.
too soon i was spending way more than i planned.
oh geez.
i called ronnie from the parking lot
to let him know.
he asked for the credit card back.
but look at all our cute new things.
a new swimsuit cover-up for me.
i mean, i AM going to mexico.
new sandals for me too.
can i use mexico as an excuse again?
new jammies for b.
her easter dress 
her new summer look.
another swimsuit.
i also bought her a hat,
2 books
and lots of stuff for her easter basket.
i'm obviously ready for summer. 
and that's why i can't go to target.

1 comment:

  1. good god i have the same problem. that dress will be perfect for the pram pic! i still want to do flower crowns, no?! or the hats... stealing those shoes.
