every few years my whole family gets together
to make applebutter.
i can't share the recipe because the
elders in the family have not past it down... yet.
but i would never make it on my own anyway
because for real, it takes a couple if witch's kettles,
silver dollars, a weird homemade wooden paddle,
40lbs of sugar and like 7 bushels of apples.
who has that lying around?
its a big group effort.
lots of peeling, coring,
stirring and canning.
but its so worth it.
besides, it gives us a good excuse to hang out together,
carry on a family tradition and get in a little day drinking.
what's better than that?
that's not even all the apples.
a little cooler racing.
time out from beer pong so mimi could change eden.
arm candy and paper cup wine.
pepsi pong.
and at the end of the day,
every family was able to take home
T E N jars.
and yes, i do take bribes.
You have such fun family traditions!