b and i had another meeting with
parents as teachers.
i've been meaning to write about this since last time,
so now i have two sessions to cover.
parents as teachers is a free, volunteered-based program
through the school district that comes into your home to play
and check on your child's development.
(you can actually start the program when your pregnant,
but i waited until after brette was born.)
then they give you ideas and tools on how to help
your kiddo progress to the next level...
therefore making the parent the teacher.
get it? :)
they also provide classes that a parent might like.
i took infant massages a couple months ago
and i'm signed up for baby sign language soon.
i love my volunteer.
her name is hillary and she was a kindergarten teacher,
turned stay at home mom.
she's a couple years older than me and has two girls of her own.
and she makes me feel like i am the best mom with
the smartest little girl in the world.
we check brette's neck control,
her head control,
how well she is able to sit up,
reach and grasp for toys,
and follow objects with her eyes.
b is still too little to do actual activities with,
but hillary has books and toys that i don't have,
so i still think she likes it.
hillary comes every other month,
so she gives me activities and games i can
play for a five month old and a six month old.
i like it because it helps me track how much
brette grows and learns every month.
and here's a little project for mamma's with babies.
the first time hillary came she suggested a really simple toy
to make and brette loves hers:
a picture box.
all you do is take a kleenex box and tape black and white pictures to every side.
we use ours for tummy time and the contrast of the pictures helps
with brette's vision.
plus you can roll it around to all the different pictures so
it keep brette interested.
free toys. love that.