i am looking for jobs.
say whaaa?
i do not want to put brette into child care.
i am totally being one of those crazy moms
that sees herself being with brette until she enters pre-school.
but that's just a fantasy, considering ronnie and i
agreed on only 6 months to a year off.
he wants 6 months.
i want four years.
so i am trying to find something i can do from home.
i could be making some extra $$$
so ronnie is happy,
but i would get to stay home with my baby.
i'm waiting to mention this to ronnie
until i find something.
he would be totally psyched to have me
make some money and also not have to pay for child care,
but i know its a long shot,
so i don't want to get his hopes up.
(like mine are)
unfortunately, remote positions are hard to find
unless you have a medical or teaching background.
wah wah.
i totally should have gotten my teaching certificate.
[insert hand to forehead]
so then i started looking into part time stuff.
maybe i could just work a couple days a week.
i could probably live with that.
honestly, i don't know how this is going to turn out.
my "maternity leave" is half way over,
so its definitely time to start looking,
but i just want this dream at-home position to fall into my lap.
anyone have ideas?
know of anyone that works from home?
(my background is in public relations, communications, fundraising, and marketing.
feel free to send suggestions my way)
i guess i better start updating my resume.
how can i leave this face?
this is her first time in her bumbo,
she is going to be a sitting champion aaaany minute.
and no, does not store food in her cheeks,
but she totally could.