Sunday, July 1, 2018

brette turns five

i've been meaning to write a little post about brette
and her birthday, but her festivities lasted all month, 
so i've waited until all our celebrating was done. 

we started off her birthday with a family dinner.
we met my brother and his girls, with my parents in 
lee's summit at brette's favorite pizza place. 

her actual birthday fell on a tuesday so she had school,
but her teacher invited me to come join the class for a
special presentation on brette's life and then i read her 
class a story because they don't allow parents to bring in treats anymore.
wah wah.
i did make her some rice crispy treats though for that evening, 
just as she requested instead of birthday cake. 

the week after her birthday, as a gift, we took her to a royals game.
reid had never been and i thought brette would like that as a gift.
it was blazing hot, but our seats were in the shade and as long
as we kept the drinks and snacks coming, the girls didn't complain. 

somewhere in here, brette had a doctors appointment for her
five year well-check.
we changed doctor's offices now that we've moved to the burg and
 we're going to one of my best friends in warrensburg.
i've known him since i was a toddler and it's so funny
that he's now our family doctor. 
brette knows him so she wasn't as nervous and he said
she seems happy and healthy and right on track.
she's 40 lbs and 41 inches tall. 
my baby has gotten so big. 
but she wrote our names for him and drew shapes,
hopped on one foot and answered his questions.
basically, i was only there to watch and it was crazy to see just
how grown up she seems.
(insert cry emoji)
and then finally two weeks after her actual birthday, we found
the time to have a little party with her friends from school.
her class has like 9 kids in it, so its the perfect little size for a party.
we invited everyone to the splash pad for pizza and cake.
such an easy party and brette loved life. 

so here we are, entering july and we can finally call brette's
birthday over, but no worries, i get to start celebrating ronnie 
next week and reid two weeks after that. 
my family was literally all born within a few weeks of each other.
makes for an eventful summer. 

ps- still not living in the house,
but flooring starts tomorrow.
i. can't. wait.

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