Thursday, May 11, 2017

exciting devastating news

i accepted a job on tuesday night
doing marketing for a local builder.
a full-time.
5 days a week.
40 hours. 
J O B.
i'm really excited to be moving towards
a career in my field.
after leaving my job at umkc back in 2012,
i definitely didn't think it would take me this long
to get back to it.
marketing and public relations is where 
i've always seen myself ending up, but since i 
was "out of the game" for so long, i did have some 
concerns that it would be hard to find someone willing 
to give me a chance to do it again. 
i left umkc because i was super unhappy with
my manager and totally fed up with 
the way things were going.
i somehow managed to convince ronnie that
i should quit and take a job at a little bank in town.
then i got pregnant with brette and quit again to be 
a stay-at-home mom. (best year ever).
i was lucky enough that my friend/boss at the bank
offered me a part time job when brette was one year old.
i started working monday and fridays.
it was the perfect amount of time at home and
then a break to be with other adults.
i would have been happy do that for years.
but ronnie always wanted me to go back.
cue reid.
there didn't seem to be any point trying to find something full-time
since i was starting over with a new little baby.
 so i kept my amazing schedule.
ronnie and i both decided that the best time for me to go back  
would be the summer of 2018.
brette would be enrolling in kindergarten and reid would be
starting preschool. perfect, right?
but life happens - - this job came up and it seemed like
such a good fit for me.
in lee's summit?
flexible schedule?
it's just a year earlier than i had hoped. 
i was afraid if i didn't apply then i'd miss out on
something that wouldn't be available next year.
i REALLY wanted to work close to home.
i thought, what's that harm in applying?
i don't have to take it.
and they probably won't even offer it to me.

but then they did.

so as of yesterday, i enrolled both my babies in preschool FULL-TIME.
and then i cried. 
i will always be so grateful for the years i had at home with my girls. 
i'm literally so sad to give it up. 
i'm trying to focus on how lucky i was that i got as much time as i did
AND how lucky i am to find a job that is just what i wanted.

but still, i'm a little sad.
a little bit heartbroken and
completely scared for june.
pray for my little ones.
they have big changes heading their way.

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