Wednesday, April 9, 2014

this and that

my blog has been lacking this week.
it's because i'm sick.
the week started off so good.
dana and i took our kids to the zoo on monday.
no one was there and we basically had the whole place to ourselves.
um, awesome.
but tuesday morning i woke up with a stuffy nose.
i'm blaming the zebras.
they looked suspect.
by tuesday night i hit a wall.
ronnie got home in time for me to hand off brette
and spend my remaining hours on the couch.
i don't think he was impressed.
i know he was especially unimpressed when it was dinner
time and i offered him a hotdog rolled in bread.
sorry, i wasn't eating and i didn't care.
make yourself dinner.
i did manage to help put brette to bed and
i stole some children's dimetapp from her room.
by that time my head was pounding,
my nose was clogged so i walked around like an idiot mouth-breather,
(you know the kind)
and i was so achy that it actually hurt to dry off with a towel.
yes, i tried showering.
it's overrated.
if my mom wasn't working at the tax office this month,
i probably would have called her to come up and watch brette
while i laid in bed and slowly died.
but the show must go on
and i actually feel a bit better.
no headache
and one of my nostrils is useable.
so instead of sitting around watching tv and blogging,
 i'm doing a little something
extra after my complete shut down the night before.
i mowed the yard,
vacuumed the house,
did a load of laundry
and made an actual meal.
which is why i have been way too sick and
then way too busy to share much of anything here.
i'm almost back to 100%.
in the meantime, you can read this.
it will pass the time until i return
and it is still my favorite blog post. ever.

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