Monday, July 27, 2015

reid elizabeth

i was nervous.
like really, really nervous
because most everyone i talked to
had a bad experience when having
their second kid.
s o m e t h i n g made it more miserable than the first.
and i had myself convinced that if you have an easy pregnancy,
then labor would be bad.
you don't get lucky twice.
since this pregnancy was way easier than brette's,
i figured that meant my labor would be the bad part.
especially since they were inducing me early
and practically forcing my body to have this kid,
ready or not.

i'm here to tell you,
i was dead wrong.
it is possible to have an easy pregnancy
with an even easier delivery.
and i thank god for that.
let's go back...

on tuesday i spent the day with brette.
we met up with my mom and brian's girls
to do some shopping, go out for lunch and
play at the park.
it was nice.
after brette's nap, ronnie got home from work
and his sister came over to pick her up for the night.
ronnie and i the night to ourselves.
we packed up our stuff and
went out for dinner.
i loaded up on pasta since i didn't know
the next time i would get to eat.
we were at the hospital by 8:30 and checked-in.
they started me on cervidil by 9:30
and basically took my blood pressure all night long.
i didn't get much sleep, but i was ready to get started the next morning.
they started me on pitocin at 7:00 and by 8:30
i was asking for my epidural.
(yes, i only lasted an hour and a half of pain)
my ob came to visit before the anesthesiologist got to me
so she broke my water and that really made my contractions worsen.
luckily, the anesthesiologist showed up within the next 15 minutes and
we got started on my pain meds.
unfortunately, the epidural only took to one side,
so i couldn't feel anything on my right,
but i was still getting contractions on my left.
they had me roll on my side for the next 30 minutes to
help the medicine move over and it worked.
i was finally pain free.
we made brette a little "good morning" video
and sent it to sheri,
then i decided to take a nap.
at 11:30 my nurse came in to check me,
but i told her i didn't think anything had really happened yet,
because with brette i felt an enormous amount of pressure,
and i still felt nothing.
well i was wrong.
i was 10 cm dilated and reid was ready to make her entrance.
they paged my doctor,
a few more nurses and
got my room set up for delivery.
ronnie gladly stepped out of the way this time
and didn't even try to be close.
i told him i'd rather have pictures,
then a passed out husband.
he agreed.
they had me do a "trial" push when my next contraction started
and we were ready to go.
when my next contraction came,
so did reid.
and that was it.
 my little baby girl was here.
here she is yesterday,
4 days old and helping in the kitchen.


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