Monday, September 26, 2011

good intentions down the drain

i ate a piece of pie for breakfast.
son of a bitch.
i got up early and went running.
then ran out of time while taking a shower and getting ready for work.
so i just grabbed the last piece for breakfast.
in my defense i have a weakness for desserts
 and you can't really take eggs to work with you.
but it wasn't even healthy pie.
is there such thing as healthy pie? 
i'd like to think so... the berry kind can't be all bad.
but no, this was chocolate and peanut butter pie.
left over from the birthday.

happy freaking monday.
i bet i gained 3 lbs this morning.


  1. I bought a bag of Halloween candy...for myself. Gross.

  2. this is where you still need to live with shannon - she has no candy shame.
