Tuesday, November 26, 2013

brette's christmas list

the biggest shopping day of the year is coming up
and i'm trying to get amped.

christmas for a 6 month old is stupid,
even though i'm super excited for it.
she is never going to remember the experience
or the presents,
so part of me (the cheap part) wants to skip
the presents portion of the program.
wah wah. just call me the grinch.
i just want to see her in her pretty christmas dress,
sing her all the christmas carols i know,
and watch her stare at all the lights on her first christmas tree.
but i know i won't - - i can't - - not get her anything.
as a way for me to reel it in,
i'm trying to go by the rule:
"something you want, something you need, something to wear & something to read"
here is what i'm thinking for her first christmas.
now i just have to pick my favorite four.
1. i want to get her a christmas ornament.
its a tradition in my family - - we always always always get a new ornament for our tree.
i think b should have a collection started too.
plus its nice to have family traditions.

this one has a pram - which i love.
glitter booties
a very good year - 2013
(the land of nod - $7.95)

of course i might just take her hand impression. who knows...
2. i think she needs new learning items.
i can't decide if that's going to be flashcards or new sensory toys.
i heard the best time to start flashcards is around 3 months.
i guess since this is because they can only sit around and watch you,
so you have a captive audience.
i feel stupid even bringing this up at 6 months, let alone 3,
but whatever, its not going to hurt her and
maybe it will help b become a super reader.
eric carle flash cards - set of 26
infantino big top discovery cube

lamaze mirror crawl toy
(barnes & noble - $13.59)
3. something to wear? that's easy.  i want to get her some xmas jammies.
4. and finally, something to read.
a new christmas book.
i was a little unsure which book should be her first
christmas book and then i stumbled on this:
a whole list of wonderful ideas.
 so now i'm still unsure which one to get her,
but at least i have some amazing ideas to choose from.
 do you think its bad to add one more gift?  maybe something snuggly?
i can pass this off as a necessity because something is totally needed for her stocking, right?
i knew you'd agree.
claire the cow
blabla - $44
patsy the duck

any family members reading this blog and thinking about picking up brette a little somethin' somethin' for the holidays? she is requesting books.  our at home library is lacking and mom is getting tired of the same 10 stories.  think classics. (corduroy, the hungry hungry caterpillar, goodnight moon, the giving tree)  we have none.

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